Sunday, October 2, 2011


Sunday, September 25, 2011 
You know, it seems we have some self-appointed people here who are decideding they have nothing to do with your time rather than stand in pass judgement on the rest of us.
To decide who it's okay for some of us to be "friends" with and who it's not. To put up very telling comments on articles .....Telling about YOU, not the author....Grow up, girls.

For those of you who don't like an article, or hate the author....don't read it!!!
You blame me for making this community what it is...if it's a look in the trash can, rather than perhaps a look in the mirror is in order.....
This was once upon a time a "support network," but a few, immature, self-appointed mediators have turned it into a place where no one knows who to trust, where no one knows who they are "allowed" to be friends with, and are deccimating their lists because you--you know exactly who you are--have taken it upon yourselves to decide what this site and what is not.
People don't want to hang out here anymore~~you drove them away = congrats on that one!
It's become a stressor, not a helper, no longer a support. You have your cliquish little communities, and perfectly innocent people are falling victim to your nastiness, falling victim to your hideous games. People have specifically told me that you are setting "the fear of God" into them just about, and that was why I was removed from their friends' list-->they no longer knew I had anything to do with w=a ! Not because of me!!! Or anything I have done....
I used to enjoy site messages. Then grew to dread them and never know what friends are going to say to me because of something fed to them by 2 nasty old bitties with nothing better to do would have to say or doll

A word of advice:
Get a cat~if it would put up with you and not pee on the floor, in your houseplants, or on you.
Buy a houseplant if you can keep it alive.....or the cat doesn't pee on it....
Get that thing called a life unless you've chased everyone else away.
Then get on the computer and tell people what to do with their lives--but only if the cat and the plant are still alive in 3 years!
I'm grateful to say I have friends beyond this place, despite what you think of me or not...My page was private, yet someone who should have no access seems to know I am finding "healing in my journals." How would you know unless you have people doing your dirty work you aren't woman enough to do yourself.
And V2, for someone who said they swore off leaving me alone, you have a lot to say about what a write in my own thoughts; and in my articles. I'd hardly call that leaving me alone.
So I leave YOU--go 404 as they say by choice and at peace with it; I got a nice gift from my brother, and so much from my friends. Much to look forward to with my family and my doctors and this thing called hope.
But no thanks to you.
I found it inside myself.
P4P is not the only “support site” out there; and to think so would be arrogance typical of the main self-appointed moderators that have turned this formerly decent site into warring factions where people are apparently afraid to even have certain people listed on their friend's” list, rather than deal with the 'fallout' of exercising their right to what is listed in the Bill of Rights as “The Right to Free Speech-on a website where I am supposed to at least be able to speak my mind!!!!"

If we think P4P is the only “support site....” it would be like saying we are the only ones who have RSD/CRPS if our...
But in terms of that, the arrogance of the two-facedness in the infants who are so publicly cat-fighting are only dragging P4P down with themselves and through the mud, while claiming to “love this site.” If they did, they would go 404 and never return...that is the only way to make it look better now.
I left because of fever-pitch of drama...and my health couldn't take it!
But it has caused me to realize these sites are a dime a dozen, much all the same.
Personality Disordered, and drama run rampant, and the people I grew up made my life hell.
Not responding drives them crazy. That is how I respond now; and it drives them over the moon......and when you've got their number, that too, also makes them more insane than they already are.....
When the drama presents itself—and that is what these two are up to with practically sitting at the computer, posting to make everyone up in a tizzy with their stupid posts. Then, not being woman enough to leave up the original post that made the whole problem in the first place, and pulling them down—that's right, not woman enough!!!
Not responding drives them crazy. That is how I respond now; and it drives them over the moon......and when you've got their number, that too, also makes them more insane than they already are.....
When the drama presents itself—and that is what these two are up to with practically sitting at the computer, posting to make everyone up in a tizzy with their stupid posts. Then, not being woman enough to leave up the original post that made the whole problem in the first.
place, and pulling them down—that's right, not woman enough!!!
Girls, you are in the “big girls” sandbox, whether or not you deserve to be. Grow up and act like you at least belong there.
Don't worry about me coming back under “Jenna McK” or any name; I am adult enough to come back for any of this stupid backbiting and stupid childish games—why would I open another account here—let alone under multiple accounts as some have done—despite your crap, I have managed to make a few friends along the way.
Let us be clear on one thing; no-make that two: I did not go “404” because anything you have done—save the volume of drama; you certainly don't deserve credit for that; my 404 is because I have not got the time--I am actually sick--to write about every burp and fart that comes out...this alone has taken several tries to write, and damned near all day!!!  You have all the time and good health to make everyone's live hell!!!
But wait and be clear on this:  You need to get some help~right quick before you or someone else gets hurt:
physically or emotionionally........
Personality disorders are to be taken seriously:
 Cluster B Personality Disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder is more commonly diagnosed amongst
men. They are at higher risk for anxiety disorders, substance abuse, somatization disorders, and pathological gambling.
Borderline Personality Disorder is associated with a risk for substance
abuse, eating disorders (especially bulemia), and PTSD. Suicide is completed in
8-10% of patients with BPD (far higher than most mental health disorders).
Histrionic Personality Disorder is associated mostly with somatoform disorders.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is at high risk for anorexia and well as depression
The most current literature shows thats that people, particularly with BPD, HPD, and NPD, in attempts to shine the lights on themselves will show up on the online sites with “horrifying medical histories to shine the lights on themselves....and tell stories of “courage and dignity” in the faces of what often woud have spelled death for most~~tests of true courage in the faces of death for anyone else.
And these are often the ones that start the battles...and they may win that battle, but they lose the war. They are pretty much on the phone with each other....waiting to post, and then to pull their respective posts......
You have to watch your back for these types.......................They sneak up on you...and you know what else???  If you're so deathly ill, where do you find the time to post about it all day and night long???  Just wondering....
A word to the wise....I grew up with one.
And I was the one making P4P look bad?????
I recall someone making a look at “the man/WOMAN in the mirror.....”
Boooooo hooooooo!!!!!!!'

Now wouldn't that suck if our self-appointed moderators good hard at themselves?
I am totally done with online websites: they have different names; sites; but it's all the same in the long run: you're stuck with the same backbiting and BS, passive-aggressive crap you started out with......
NUTS, is just plain nuts. Especially when your doc is threatening you with hospitalization because you just feel like you have to keep responding to the constant barrage of 30+ emails in your inbox~curiousity killed the cat(fighting) you have to remind youself.
At least my doc is threatening with medical hospitalization....not psychiatric!

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