Monday, October 3, 2011

Bipolar and in pain...Take Some Ally for relief!!!

September 19, 2011

You have no credibility...
None whatsoever...when the average person
tells their doctor they're in pain,
they're taken at face value.....
It's assumed they really are in pain.....
But I have "bipolar" so God knows
I couldn't possibly be in pain....
Couldn't possibly be sick if I said I was...
Because I am not to be believed....
Always order a "psych eval" first,
make sure I am telling the truth.

Let me tell you a of my life...
I was sick as a pain and throwing up...
No doctor would so much as "take a picture"
of my abdomen; see what might be going on;
I'd not seen any of the psychiatrists within
the "world-class" teaching hospital by my house
I kept banging my head on the wall with them...

Til one day when I wised up....and I'll tell you why.
I got a look at my chart, and saw what they
had decided was wrong with me;
They would needle me for blood on nearly a daily basis,
But I am certain to say now that they probably
simply threw it in the trash, if they'd run it;
even done a CBC, they'd have seen I was critically ill.
But no, I am bipolar, so in my chart,
my primary diagnosis of course is bipolar,
underneath which, a third year, untrained med student
scrawled in his pen "Munchausen Syndrome."
It was not confirmed by faculty,
but treated like "holy grail."
The work was a kid who's braces had
only just come off, unless using Invisilign....
Forgive my sarcasm, it nearly cost me my life...

I caught on and finally landed in the lap, thank God,
of a talented surgeon, and one who also trusted his gut
ironically enough...and I had not one but two
primary in the reteroperitroneal cavity,
and on went my eighteen month gig with chemo,
and the horrors that go with it.......

I pray for Ally,
her story touches so close to home....
I dedicate this to her....
I forgive those people at the hospital,
that's the type of person she is....
she's the inspiration for this

Too weak for the chemo for a bone marrow,
my son's stem cells were infused into me
in hopes of stimulating normal growth of cells...

July 4, 2011 was my Independence Day;
My 3rd birthday from having cancerous cells in my body...
I am free of cancer
I am free of resentment and anger

Thank you, Ally!

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