Saturday, October 15, 2011

Epidural Spinal Block--So Why Was I Turned Away Last Time? BEFORE I Even Had RSD?

My neurologist's last great thoughts on this matter were to do an epidural spinal block.  Needless (hahahaha) to say, I have some concerns:

  • Last time I was referred for an ESB for my sciatic pain, I was eventually turned away.  Why, you ask?
    • Severe, anaphylactic reaction to iodine, which they do say they need to use to guide the needle, as nonionic contrast is not dark enough for them to see where they're going.
    • Risk of, as has happened, the steroid, getting into my CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), and then causing a severe, and acute manic episode with probable psychosis (resulted in 4 days in seclusion, 2 days in restraints to protect me from myself
    • It did not work--not even slightly after multiple tries...I begged them to keep trying when they said, "Hey, it's not going to work if it hasn't by now," and I was so desperate for relief, I was willing to keep trying, even when it was clear it wasn't going to work!!!
    • If it's done by an interventionalist who is totally clueless as to how to use care with RSD patient, and they do it even slightly wrong, you can wake up from Stage 2, with fair pain could wake up with raging, rampant, running Stage IV RSD:

This is the mechanism of RSD

There is an injury to the hand, foot, arm, leg, etc; even hip surgeries can cause RSD....  The Sympathetic chain of nerves is triggered to send a signal to the brain.

The Original injury initiates a pain impulse carried by the sensory nerves to the CNS.  Instead of the pain calming down, the sympathetic nervous system "gears up for battle," and triggers the inflammatory response...this doesn't mean that ibuprofen will cure but it will help!  Anything that helps with the inflammatory process: Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fish Oil are powerful NSAIDS! 

The resulting symptoms we all know so well:  a burning, firey, nauseating pain that can even result in muscle spasms from their severity, and the muscle spasm causes vascular spasm, leading to increased swelling, sweating, cramping, and pain....left un-checked, it results in more swelling, sweating, cramping, and pain....

It's a vicious cycle!!!!

Oh, am I giving someone RSD099???  So sorry!!!!!!  I honestly meant to just keep it to myself~~not spread the wealth....Gee, I had no idea!!!!

But picture that from head to toe, day in and day out...  That can happen from one incorrectly placed needle, improperly done procedure by a doctor inexperienced with RSD!!!  Those are few and far between in the area.  So it's not so simple as "Gee, I'll try the nerve block (again, even though they didn't do shit for my sciatica!!!)..."

Life suddenly gets much more complicated, doesn't it???

While I watch my education and career circle the drain.....Well, I kinda knew that was toast~but maybe not forever, I am not going to give up!!!!!!   I just wish I had a better timeline; just seems far  away right now....


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