Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Open Letter To RSD/CRAPS

My Dearest RSD,

I wish like hell you'd leave me alone.....

I am tired of the burning pain in my leg and both feet. I am tired, at age 37, of feeling like I've been to hell and back, and back to hell and stayed longer with each "flare." I am tired of dreading each flare.

I have already grown tired of the migraines and helllish "syndromes" that grow with you; I've done nothing to deserve this.......nothing to put my face on a
"Wanted Poster" that bears either of these likenessesses on them; and the pain,

The being called a liar,

Looked at I am nuts when I say I have to keep the schedule of a cat;
and possess the hearing of a dog........
A cute baby, a screaming baby..... 

and the agony, horrible burning pain that goes with it;
 screeching, screaming, hollering;

I want to be rescued, I want to be cured;

I want to leave this torture behind...

The swelling, the color changes,
the changes in me
When is the next attack going to hit?
                             Lung cancer please? Or if any-
one deserved RSD, I couldn't
think of anyone horrible?

He cuts my benefits when I need them most,
and increases his tell me
His face responsible for the
dead soldiers; men & women;
mothers & fathers, sons & daughters                                                                                
Navy Seal Team 6 gives the fix;
does the job--now can we leave please?
Keep cutting programs that I need;
fund a program of foreign oil.....
It makes me sick, and food is hard enough to keep down

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