Sunday, October 2, 2011

Category 2 or 3

Right now, it's a Category 3....but the Jenna McK Household Weather Service Predicits the Storm to make Landfall

~~August 09, 2011~~

Hahaha, sounds funny, huh?

I guess I have always made the serious into funny by cutting up and cracking jokes, but this isn't that funny. Every time a stoorm hits Landfall, it's not that freaking funny. Not to me, and not with a heart condition now.

I am sick and tired of "Can you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10?" Step a little closer next time you ask me that so I can rip out your throat with my bare teeth...."

Clearly, I am only kidding.....but God, show me that stupid 1--10 scale with the happy and frowney faces. You will soon be frowning permanenty. Here;s my 1-100 scale--I think you all know what the faces look like; I am talking definition:

1 I'm cruisin'--wth does pain mean?
2 Couple o' Tylenol
3 Just a little o' pain--but the BTP is an option
4 Oh, heck, it hurts, dang it--watch the clock!!!!
5 Crap, it hurts--but I'll amputate before I go to an ER: those pllaces are death-traps, I'll pass on the Venipuncture!
6 Back off!!!  I want company like I want  another hole in my head
7 I said, friggin BACK OFF!!! I am feeling slightly antisocialllll But only slightly!!!
8 Touch me, and I'll shoot!!! I am feeling VERY antisocial, so back off!!!!
9 Alright, my head hurts, everything hurts!!!!!! I WILL shoot--this gun is (not really) loaded-->but I feel like I am on fire
10 Make one more move & your family will be planning a funeral!!!

Ok, so I said, I am a joke cracker when I make the range where gynormous pain is invoved. And stress.

My M.E. is really kicking ars, and I love the cats, and sometimes I don't know if they are driving me nuts or cuddling and being sweet. Or telling me something.

One of them is a service cat though, and I have to listen to him: he senses before one of my category 5's hits landfall and usually before I do. So I generally try and relax.

Avoid anything beyond a Category 2 or 3

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