I have had almost nothing but nightmarish experiences with these online "support pages," and I almost landed myself in the hospital with the last one....fucking insane that I was going to give up some a new Lazy-Boy recliner men's size that I can sleep in on occassion (not all the time), for a cheap laptop computer so I couldute post on one of those sites.
P4P is only one example.....there are scads of them out there--DS, Inspire, you
name it, it's probably got a title out there...And several "BFF" self-appointed drama queens/kings of the site....the Borderline
Personality Disordered and Histrionic Personality Disordered type (minor in psychnursing) seems to be the ones running rampant on each site......and each week
it's like they publish a list of people you are/are not allowed to be "friends" with.
War after war....and it churns my stomach.....
My doctorordered me off, and I ignored him...under threat of hospitalization and my friend confiscating my computer....I gave in and went "404" (aka, gave into the drama).
Then the ones who don't follow the rules that should be there:
...they promote products; like some things a friend recieved in an email:
"NOPALEA produced by Trivita. Nopalea is Cactus juice that has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, anti oxidents, and powerful molecular restorative
properties..."I get the RSDSA newsletter this is claimed to be in, and no mention.....
Drama and histrionism runs rampant on all of them. God help you should you
cross one. Question one. And they have medical histories that would make Jesus
Christ Himself cringe....but they do it "with such 'courage, grace, and dignity'...and intolerance, hatred, and impatience towards others."Kinda backwards, don'tcha think????
I do.
I dumped my membership to the latest one.
I have sworn them off.
I will write here. I am the Queen, but I always allow, and welcome comments
from readers....My blog is my support network; those who respond will be mysupporters; I have others who aren't posting here, but are still supporters.
And to you, I tip my hat.
Your own trials and suffering, you are supporters.
God Bless each of you....
You my friend have written my exact experience with "support groups"....we live with enough drama going on the inside of our bodies, looking for support and comfort that we are not mentally insane is natural, however most "support groups" somen people use to network a following of certain individuals of their choosing. I do not precipitate in such groups because most are full of drama amongst members....we have to cope with the effects of RSD and the last thing I personally want to deal with is the bullshit that some feel is most important, when really one that looks for such groups are seeking positivity, encouragement and knowledge!
ReplyDeleteI'm with u, best to stay away than to be sucked in!